
category Installation
subject Abstract, Nature
tags textile art, installazione site specific
base 300 cm
height 300 cm
depth 300 cm
year 2023
“The universe grows, expands, galaxies move away, it almost seems to escape from the theories that try to grasp it.
The question of the beginning and that of the end are basically one and the same.
Some theorize that everything expands, accelerates, others instead that one day or another the universe will reverse its course and withdraw again, a prisoner of cyclical trends that know neither birth nor decay.”
An inventory of losses, Judith Schalansky

Genesis of the work

Square linen fabrics, suspended through thin filaments.
Some are closed, almost crumpled, others try to blossom, to unfold.
Thin traces can be seen on the surface that at times evoke maps of imaginary planets, multifaceted islands, places of desire.
At the beginning they were stretched, white, empty fabrics, like places of silence, spaces waiting for a significant creative act.
Instead, it is a simple, almost banal action, that of "crumpling" the fabric, which allows the traces to emerge from nowhere.
In this case, the crumpling gesture offers the opportunity for signs to arise and become visible through the play of light and shadow.
The thread embroiders the imaginary geography, partly suggested by the material itself and partly the result of the artistic choice.

Each “attempt” is suspended in the environment through a weave of threads that emerge from the embroidery itself, acquiring a volume ad entering into a dialogue with the exhibition space, in a game of precarious balances.
Everything can always change shape.
Everything is in constant flux.
Clara Luiselli
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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