Il libro delle ombre

Il libro delle ombre
Il libro delle ombre
category Other
subject Abstract
tags pittura, carta, ombre, inconscio
base 27 cm
height 17 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2023
The shadows in this book are those of the unconscious. They are the demons that inhabit the flesh and determine obsessions, behaviour and feelings. They are small, automatic portraits of the hidden part of a person. Drawings like shadows of the most hidden part of being.

"There is an art book, a visual work divided into 121 pages equally imbued with vibrant darkness.
Each of these episodes expresses a different version of the darkness lurking in the unspoken. This constitutes a face; that is to say, a trace that is unprecedented yet always similar to itself.
The face, the stain and its innumerable versions propose an organic pattern of the archetype, an ever new point of view on the repetition of evil.
Alice Padovani's research in this case becomes primordial, she gets a little dirty in order to visit a place in which the refinement and cleanliness that distinguishes much of her past production is rare.
The shadows move, are plastic and unfathomable. They have an inner life of their own that they share with each other; the living meets the dying and a succession of totems connected to cellular semi-permeability ensues. Membranes, diaphragms, connective tissues in generation and decay. The dying feeds the living, which transports it towards a new death in an eternal cycle of assimilation and restitution of trauma; only how it is returned changes: the same but different."
Alice Padovani
Artist, Modena
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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