category Digital art
subject Human figure, Beauty
tags volto, mitch laurenzana, inhuman, sguardo, bellezza
base 150 cm
height 150 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
Digital art, DALL-E 2, Stable Diffusion, Photoshop
Today we are beautiful, but soulless.
(in)HUMAN represent all that humanity has to offer, freed by appearances.

(in)HUMAN is a complicated project whereby Mitch invites you to immerse yourself in a dream-like but possible world; imagine the purpose of souls to merge, assuming human appearance.
But what might they be inspired to see and embody only our soul? Probably, they would become the result of everything we somatize from our emotions as the distinctive feature, the artifice, whereby we hide everything that by convention we can not reveal: lost, wrapped in worries and torn by the future that evolves towards uncertainty and scratched by selfishness disguised in altruism. This would reflect the (in)human’s skin. Devastated, but fascinating with their big eyes capable of digging inside, sincere and full of that soul that we are abandoning because engaged in the ephemeral search for perfection only aesthetic.
The (in)Human, were generated from scratch through a language written on OpenAI DALL-E2 and Stable Diffusion. They are therefore the result of an artificial intelligence that recombines an infinite archive of images and following a set of textual instructions provided by Mitch, as the prompter, continually perfecting the text before evolving the goal.
An experimental process with which the artist wanted to immerse himself in AI, and to which he had to recognize the infinite potential of the creation of new forms of culture and knowledge, that never before man could have imagined.
What Laurenzana proposes is not an artistically perfect search, but an advanced method that conveys this message that each one of us expects to receive to awaken with consciousness.
In the eyes of (in)Human, the glimmer of this process.
MiTch Laurenzana
Graphic artist, Digital artist, Artist, Modena
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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