
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social, Nude, Human figure
base 40 cm
height 160 cm
depth 40 cm
year 2019
Reinforced concrete

Shell (Involucro) represents the individual as a mirror of the society in which IT lives. The point of view is profoundly nihilistic for the progressive and unstoppable decline of culture, institutions and values which marks every single visible crack and fractures the work of art is composed of. The attitude of the subject reproduced is submissive, static, dominated by someone or something; it crumbles under the burden of the world it carries, but it resists, it doesn’t give in, it remains upright.
Elia Alunni Tullini
Sculptor, Foligno
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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