
category Painting
subject Architecture
tags Italo Calvino, architettura, Le città invisibili, solitudine, tecnica
base 60 cm
height 80 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
"Isaura", acrylic on canvas, 60 cm x 80 cm, year 2023, unique work, part of the series "Invisible Cities," inspired by the work of Italo Calvino. The work is inspired by Isaura, of which Calvino writes thus, "city of a thousand wells, supposedly rising above a deep underground lake. Everywhere where the inhabitants, by digging long vertical holes in the earth, have succeeded in drawing up water, so far and no further has the city extended...According to some, the city's gods dwell in the depths, in the black lake that feeds the underground veins. According to others, the gods dwell in the buckets that rise up hanging from the rope when they appear out of the vera of the wells, in the spinning pulleys, the hanging reservoirs above the roofs atop stilts, in the slender arches of the aqueducts, in all the columns of water, the vertical pipes, ... up to the pinwheels that surmount the aerial scaffolding of Isaura, a city that moves all upward."
The work represents the loneliness and isolation of human beings in the face of the complexity of the contemporary world and the unstoppable rise of technology.
Donato Nitti
Photographer, Digital artist, Painter, Florence
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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