Le Chiavi

Le Chiavi
Le Chiavi
category Installation
subject Landscape, Political / Social, Travels
tags viadelcampo, genova, installazione, urbano
base 90 cm
height 120 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
The keys
Printing on canvas
90x120cm x 30pcs
In October 2019 I participated in the Italian art project "Divago - Festival Via del Campo" in Genoa. It was a project that concerned some urban areas in connection with the theme of migrants: my project consisted of a series of sound installations in a church that spoke of the concept of plurality and respect. During the week that I lived in Genoa, I discovered that there are many secrets and stories in this city. There are many differences between day and night. In Genoa everyone runs to work during the day and the city is divided into different areas with small labyrinthine streets and large streets full of important signs that history has left. It is an important, prosperous city which has built its strength and wealth with trade and commerce has brought many different things.
My current project for 2021 is called "The keys" and it consists precisely of the presence of many of these objects that I would like to fix on some spaces of the city in a precise path: the keys are the symbol of openness and secrecy, of encounter and mystery. In this city they have lived in history and very different people live each with its own secrets. Even the commercial activity, so important for Genoa, was created by very different men and women, bearers of different cultures and knowledge. Each of us, in the path of life, has many keys with him. These keys help us to open a door, and then another, to the known and the unknown: a door, through the keys, allows a relationship, and gives continuous hope for humanity.
Pengpeng Wang
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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