Light Like a Paper Plane

Light Like a Paper Plane
Light Like a Paper Plane
category Drawing
subject Travels, Landscape, Nature
tags aeroplano, aereo, cucitura, cucito, fili, tempesta, cielo, nuvole, carta, matita, carboncino
base 152 cm
height 101 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
Light Like a Paper Plane
Coloured pencil and charcoal with light blue threads sewn on paper.

A paper plane is hovering through the clouds of a stormy sky.
This plane is stripped of its substance. Its bare body is just a little more than an image, the simple outline of an idea, soaring in the sky.
We can spot its silhouette composed of thin threads, so delicate and light that allows it to take off.
In this form, free of any constraining weight, it flies higher and farther to reach another space.
Light like a paper plane is a work evolving around and through lightness.
In a world that is getting heavier, with looming collapse, we crave to find an escape route, that is obtained ascending through a metaphorical weight relief, we move up and away, light but strong at the same time.
The paper plane is the symbol of this transition to lightness.
It is not the lightness of a feather which slowly glides to the ground. The plane moves upwards, defies gravity and takes us to places yet to be discovered.
The image of the paper plane comes from a childish world, recalling its sharp primordial symbolism, from a time when real world and imagination were free to intertwin and collaborate to the construction of oneself perception.
Light like a paper plane is an invitation to take on the same gaze as a child.
That pure and light gaze, willing to fly off to a world far from established reality, straight into a freely inspired imaginative dimension.
Beatrice Spadea
Sculptor, Monza
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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