Looking through a translucent surface

Looking through a translucent surface
category Video
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Abstract
tags perception, nouns, verbs, language
minutes 8
seconds 12
year 2021
Video, single-channel, 4K, 16:9, color, sound. Editions 5 + 2 A.P.

As much as Looking through a translucent Surface engages reality – and reality could be understood or imagined beyond its representation – it is also true that much depends on the masterful techniques of representation employed by Luli. The person animating the video is just a body, a real body that interrupts the ordinary flux by means of its ability of establishing relations with the external, of offering itself to the gaze of the other, or revealing itself. There is a consumeristic redefinition of relationships at stake, although we might ask who is the subject of such restructuring — tradition, perhaps? Not at all. It is the individual, flesh and bone, who pays the price, the individual immersed in a tradition or a culture that demands the most extreme adaptability from them.
Edson Luli
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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