Natural Oil-Colour, Spirulina Green, lotto 07, tubetto 00/08

Natural Oil-Colour, Spirulina Green, lotto 07, tubetto 00/08
Natural Oil-Colour, Spirulina Green, lotto 07, tubetto 00/08
category Other
subject Nature, Political / Social
tags alga spirulina, colore a olio naturale
base 14 cm
height 3 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2020
aluminum tube, paper, spirulina algae, medium veneziano, turpentine and linseed oil.
Oil paints handcrafted exclusively with natural substances of which I follow the transformation from raw material into pigment and the subsequent creation of the oil color. The tubes are shared with artists interested in experimenting with raw colors. Only tube number 00 of each batch of color produced is a work of art.
With the help of six curators (Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Saverio Verini, Lorenzo Madaro, Rossella Moratto, Dario La Mendola and Marta Cereda), the color sharing project has reached more than eighty artists of different generations including: Mimmo Paladino, Miltos Manetas, Luca Pancrazi and Michele Guido, Vedovamazzei, Luca Bertolo, Nazzarena Poli Maramotti, Matteo Fato, Paola Di Bello, Luigi Presicce and Giancarlo Norese
Francesco Fossati
Painter, Lissone
Profile Photo
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