Nel tentativo di tornare a nuotare

Nel tentativo di tornare a nuotare
Nel tentativo di tornare a nuotare
category Sculpture
subject Animal, Nature
tags animali, natura, uomo, ecosistema, alluminio, squalo, ragno, viaggio
base 100 cm
height 85 cm
depth 100 cm
year 2020
The everyday life we experience every day is formed by small actions, simple or repetitive movements that constantly modify the fabric of reality. Most of these actions parade silently before the eyes of man, who abandons the pretense of calculating what will be the outcome of events. Every year shark finning, the practice that involves the removal of shark fins –in most cases still alive– generates a very profitable market. The animal, after suffering one or more mutilations is thrown into the sea and unable to swim effectively, sinks into the seabed.
“Nel tentativo di tornare a nuotare” is the sculptural project that looks at the mutilated limb, the removed part that feels the call of the ghost body. It is the matter that self-equips with new legs, prostheses to return to the structure to which it belongs. A utopian journey perhaps, but at the same time necessary action to be taken for the survival of the species. What is shown is a hybrid body that is generated under adverse circumstances: a metallic figure of alumino, Bionic. This new being so formed is about to leave, in a moment frozen in time but projected to the near future. The legs so alien to water, as congenial to land, summarize a necessary evolutionary passage, a technique used by the fin to be able to return to the original body.

Technique: Mirrored aluminum and clear powder coating
Luca Petti
Sculptor, Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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