
category Painting
subject Human figure
tags ophidia, snake, serpente, animaletotem, hair, fertility, fertilità, rito, madre, matriarcato, asclepio, quetzcoatl, divinità, esuviazione, esculapio, simbolo, symbol, magic, female, matriarchal, knowledge, heaven, divine, positivity, symbolic, ophis, mythological, buddha, aesculapius
base 70 cm
height 100 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2015
Acrylic on canvas, original, unique. From the greek word Ophis, the snake is symbolic animal, present in many cultures, one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. Ambivalent and mysterious for the "esuviazione", the snake goes through the negative part of the world and is regenerated in the highest degree of positivity, so much so that a cobra is placed on the head of the Buddha in meditation to protect him, and a snake is on the stick of Asclepius, in Latin Aesculapius, symbol of medicine. The feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl, god somewhere between bird and serpent, represents the indissoluble union between heaven and earth, between the natural and the divine, between good and evil; a line, from the graphical point of view, which can take the form of all the environments in which it is located. In Ophidia is associated with the female figure, propitiatory donor of fertility, symbol of ancient matriarchal knowledge, guardian of the secret of the world.
Mina Cappussi
Artist, Bojano
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