category Performance
subject Architecture, Abstract, Nature, Landscape
tags Landscape, Voice, sound art, impromptu choir, Site-specific, interactive
hours 1
minutes 30
seconds 0
year 2019
Interactive impromptu choir performance.
PROCESSION OF THE VIRGINS is a site-specific performance, firmly anchored to the shape of traditional Italian processions. White robes, a slow walk on a fragrant carpet of petals and herbs, the silence, the murmur and then the chants. An itinerant liturgy is recreated to celebrate the landscape.
The grass and the soil, the trees and the stones, the ruins and the buildings: these are our innocent silent virgins. Through a deep listening, the humans can connect and even give voice to them, channeling their essence and their latent sounds to create a symphony of unheard voices.
In my improvisation performances, the figure of the medium is the cornerstone of an impossible dialogue. And the medium is the one who builds bridges between the islands. Therefore, not only the performer, but everyone present is invited to experiment and experience the catharsis of a non-auditory listening and a vocality not devoted to mere performance.
It is a ritual. And in it the singing becomes unanimous, solemn, extemporaneous.
Thanks to the architecture and the stories of the places, the choir conveys the information hidden in the places to transmute them into complex polyphonies and into real chants.

The voice recordings are the original ones taken during some of the interactive performances (the audience was around 60 people).
It is recommended to use headphones for a more immersive listening.
Performer, Sound designer, Florence
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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