Rise into decline

Rise into decline
Rise into decline
category Installation
subject Nature
base 80 cm
height 60 cm
depth 60 cm
year 2022
“Rise into decline” could be defined as a work that focuses on that kind of art where
the author triggers the process and after that, it flows by itself. It is an attempt to make visible the entropic process, the irreversibility of every experience we live and so the never ending rupture of balances that are just apparently solid. When the time will beat Stonehenge or the Coloseum? When a cancer will beat a body? Which variables get
in the game? If the wall cracks she would feel relieved because she can embrace the error and its uniqueness or restless because she had to surrend at the idea that eternal perfection can beat time going against her idea? The project started as a conceptual work that was not satisfying for the author and generated frustration but when she actioned the motor and looked at the process working, she started to feel distressed. The more she observed the wall trembling over the structure she created, the more she felt an hypnotic restlessness. She understood she was hostage of time. She decided to film the process of monitoring the wall during the process in order to make visible the way she felt.

bricks, concrete, motor, wood
Lucrezia Costa
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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