
category Sculpture
subject Nature
base 42 cm
height 42 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2021
Lightning bolts wants to tell the energy I get from doing what I like and what I believe. The artwork represent the gash, the lightning, which comes when a goal is tenaciously pursued. Ideally they are a symbol of strength and courage, which spur you to never give up and to fight day after day in the name of a higher value.
The explosiveness of lightning takes you by surprise, it is a burst of energy which suddenly appears in life. He wants to arouse emotions such as security, pleasure, exaltation, grace and love. It is the reward for our efforts, the right prize resulting from the path of the single individual.
Lightning bolts is a unique work composed of three 3 mm thick steel panels, arranged horizontally side by side. The panels, once carved, were brushed until the surface was smooth and, later, protected with transparent paint to preserve the natural color of the steel which varies between gray and black.

“The boxer trains all year for the match and will have to fight another boxer who has trained like him. Inside them, in the ring, the explosiveness and energy unknown up to that moment will come out of them."
Sculptor, Rome
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exibart prize N4
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