Saturno che divora i propri figli

Saturno che divora i propri figli
Saturno che divora i propri figli
category Drawing
subject Human figure
tags nudo, umano, tecnologia, cellulare, uomo, maschio, femmina, legame, pelle, bruciature, velo, maschere, difese, amore, schivitù, isolamento, virus, memorie, futuro, donna, centraline, smartphone
base 350 cm
height 220 cm
depth 1 cm
year 2020
Triptych made of theree pieces of animal skin treated with fire. A woman, a smartphone oe cellophone, a man. Represetation of a couple where they both look elsewhere from where the naked woman with her face covered is connected with electric cables and string to a smartphone or cellophone that acts as a switchboard for their emorions and bodily and psychic fluids or a hypothetical illusory child born, himself connected in turn to a naked man also with a covered face. drawing done with the tips of an eletric pyrograf and monochrome painting done with the blowtorch on animal skin. Graphic sign suggested and sometimes engraved like a furrow surrounded by large patches of chiaroscuro where the skin is smoked. Unique pieces.
Daniele Cabri
Artist, Guiglia
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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