Serie del Lavoro Forzato N.03

Serie del Lavoro Forzato N.03
Serie del Lavoro Forzato N.03
category Installation
subject Human figure, Abstract
tags Francobilli , Plexiglass, Lavoro , Valore , Giulio Paolini , Ferro
base 62 cm
height 80 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2020
The Forced Labor Series is composed of N.04 works. Sheets of 60 stamps were made on watermarked paper used by Giulio Paolini as a folder for the series of lithographs "Les fausses confidences". The sheets are manually punched by single hole.The time and repetitiveness involved in creating the sheet, thus forcing its realization, determines the creation of a value in the very moment of production.
The sheets are stamped and signed.

Forced Labour Series N.03

Subject of the stamp: Forced Labor No.03 -
Fabric, plaxiglass and iron.
Yarno Piras
Artist, Turin
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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