Shifting Selves

Shifting Selves
Shifting Selves
category Digital art
subject Human figure
tags artedigitale, digitalart, ShiftingSelves, Particellare, Particles
base 10 cm
height 10 cm
depth 10 cm
year 2024

In an increasingly digital Universe, within which individual identities are presented as not easily distinguishable, what role does the individual assume in his fictitious uniqueness?
This is how the work attempts to investigate the theme of the depersonalization of the person within the virtual World, through a particle graphic component that slowly crumbles and then recomposes itself in the essence of the physical body belonging to the daily dimension.
Within this changing dynamic, Man places himself in a flexible but at the same time quite fragile condition, a state from which it is very difficult to emerge without being overwhelmed by what is a reality artificially created by the human being himself.

Following the concept of “Liquid Modernity” theorized by the famous German philosopher Martin Heidegger and later popularized by the Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, the work in question presents itself as a real questioning of contemporary civilization.
The parallel virtual dimension in which we live our daily lives is in fact undeniable and today more than ever, precisely because of the development of a second identity in the digital Universe, it appears of considerable importance to carry out activities that question a seemingly perfect World that we ourselves have decided to create.
This parallel dimension today plays a role of fundamental importance within the context of daily life; just think of simple socialization or the numerous remote work positions made available by various companies operating in the most disparate sectors. These are in fact the operations that lead us to interface with technological tools on a daily basis, devices that unknowingly become the fulcrum of the individual’s existence and the relationships he or she undertakes with the surrounding environment.
It is precisely within this liquid context, an illusory changeable reality but at the same time capable of giving us an apparent greater stability, that Shifting Slves is placed.
From an untranslatable concept of "Changeable Self" or "One's Changeable Self" the work attempts to establish a relationship between a physical reality and a virtual parallel, a mosaic of lives difficult to coincide and, precisely for this reason, which translates into a continuous random movement of one's person in the ether.
Within this reality the human figure, brought back into the digital Universe through a scan, is interpreted by a particle component that tends to highlight in an even more consistent way the ephemeral that characterizes it and manipulated permanently through a physical process that tries in vain to re-establish the primary order that characterizes the true essence of Man.

Digital Art / Performance, 2023-2024, Simone Martinotta
Simone Martinotta
Digital artist, Artist, Milan
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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