Sinfonia in blu

Sinfonia in blu
Sinfonia in blu
category Painting
subject Human figure
tags intelligenza artificiale, ritratto, monocromatico
base 30 cm
height 40 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
"Symphony in Blue," acrylic on canvas, 30 cm x 40 cm, year 2023, a unique work, was created in the fluid context of contemporary art, where the nature of expression is in constant flux.
The subject was initially conceived by an artificial intelligence system to which the painter gave instructions and from which he obtained an image that he reinterpreted, shaped and infused with emotion, reworking it in contours and colors. Its bold lines, sharp contours, and modulated hues are meant to tell a story of an evolving identity, of a being caught between reality and virtuality.
The work is made using only Prussian blue and titanium white in order to represent depth and purity, mystery and clarity, and is meant to continue a dialogue between human and artificial intelligence and explore the boundaries of creativity.
This work is not meant to be just a portrait, but an inquiry into the meaning of creativity in a digital age. It represents a bridge between two worlds, emphasizing the irreplaceable essence of human intervention, even when we are aided by the most sophisticated technologies, and is meant to be an ode to the collaboration between man and machine, an exploration of the artistic frontier of the present and the future.
Donato Nitti
Photographer, Digital artist, Painter, Florence
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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