
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Beauty
tags Uomo, Scultura iperrealista, Scultura, Corpo
base 150 cm
height 1300 cm
depth 50 cm
year 2022
Sofisma, 2020
Silicone and mixed media
Unique work

The realistic representation of SOFISMA is an elderly man who is much more concerned about the imminent future than about the condition of déshabillé - a white-haired gentleman who is so reminiscent of the god of classical and advertising iconography (also classical in its own way) - faced with the choice inescapable of uncontrollable events. One of the meanings of the work could be that even within the limits of the presumption and the haughtiness of a will exceeding its possibilities, one is always exposed to the abyss of hubris, of arrogance, when one reaches the point of no return, on the horizon of events, like on a trampoline without a ladder from which one can only descend by jumping. In the presence of a single possibility, therefore, one can only rely on an act of faith, because sometimes events transcend our potential. And if the same source of faith emanates some tension in the moment before the dive, if He too has lawful perplexities, what can we still rely on?
The sense of SOFISMA brings us closer to the limit, to an essential, existential background (underwear describes the minimum habitus of social man), it represents how inescapable fate is and how mocking the choice of a single alternative is. There is no way out, you can only go down by jumping and hoping to hit the target.
Because then, in the end, it's more or less always about hitting the target.
Dario Agrimi
Artist, Trani
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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