
category Installation
subject Travels, Landscape, Architecture
tags inside, installation, asphalt, room floor, carpet, space, road marking, landscape, memories, family, journey, overlap, outside, world
base 300 cm
height 380 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2022
bitumen, asphalt, cement, sand and white road paint on painter's felt, 11.5 square meters

Today my studio is located in an apartment on the first floor of a 1960s building complex at the western outskirts of Bologna, where I lived with my mother from the age of 12 until her death and then until 2012. Two years ago, I decided to transform it into a work space, starting right from my mother's former bedroom, through making asphalt flooring.

The doorless room is located on the right at the end of a short corridor. The floor as early as the threshold spreads a faint but characteristic smell, and a white line of roadway runs parallel to the left wall where a huge old wardrobe stands out, adding to the contrast and sense of weirdness. Space, is the installation name. Actually a carpet of about 11.5 square meters by over 200 kg in weight, which simply covers, and I like to think even protects, the original marble. So a life-size portion of my favorite movement space brought back, reconstructed, incorporated within another former family space now of work.

Hence Space is both inside and outside. An inside that is home, family, memory, shelter, safety, and an outside that is literally a piece of the world. Familiar yes, but newly acquired. Therefore, synthesis of mine (not tower, rather apartment street; not ivory, rather asphalt, bitumen, street paint, acrylic and gold), well kept, hidden by the ordinary appearance of a no value residential building on the edge of town.

francesca bertazzoni
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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