
category Sculpture
subject Human figure, Beauty
tags fotografia, pelle, impronta, specchio, corpo, vetro, bodyart
base 100 cm
height 100 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2020
Imprints, mirror, wood, iron 2017 - today
The project stems from experimentation between body skin and silver nitrate, at the base of both analog photography and the production of ancient Venetian mirrors. Body impressions left on glass take shape thanks to the chemical reaction between silver, light, salt and body fat, during the mirroring process. The mirror is like a kaleidoscope of images, a surface that immediately returns what appears without any representative mediation; by its physical nature it does not have its own image, it returns a reflection that does not remain. In this case, the trace of a presence is included in the same mirroring surface and is related to what surrounds it, becoming a point of contact between the ego and the other. The inside of each work, at first glance a book or a box of dark wood, is covered with mirrors, the user can choose whether or not to be part of the work, opening the “ boxes”.
Francesca Piovesan
Photographer, Performer, Sculptor, Artist, Aviano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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