
category Installation
subject Beauty, Abstract
tags ecstasy, wonder, magic, sky, stars
base 500 cm
height 500 cm
depth 1500 cm
year 2016
Stellarium was designed in occasion of 'Iconoplastica' exhibition held in 2016 during Christmastime. The exhibition, based in the Chiesa dell'Addolorata in Calatafimi Segesta (Sicily), hosted a nativity scene handmade by a local craftsman and Stellarium was designed to accompany and enhance the experience of the diorama. Stellarium, a cascade of flickering lights, falls from the ceiling of the church, giving life to an enchanted atmosphere enhanced by the darkness of the space. The installation is made of hundreds of thousands of silver sequins, handsaw on hundreds of thin and imperceptible cotton thread. The movement of the visitors in the room, moving the air, makes the sequins flutter, creating a sparkling effect that echoes the twinkling of the stars.
Martina Taranto
Artist, Calatafimi
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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