
category Installation
subject Human figure, Abstract, Animal
base 0 cm
height 0 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2021
PLA filament
Environmental dimension

“The swirling trajectories sylled by the wind, now like astounding storms now like sweet arabesques, are the perspective views followed by the installation by Lorenzo Gnata (Biella, 1997), Stormi, dedicated to the satisfaction of abandonment, to the happy awareness of instability and the dispossession of matter superfluous to fluctuate in pure thought - an intact nucleus that does not lose the actual substance.
Through what Umberto Boccioni called “environment sculpture”, polymaterial assembly, modelling of the figures in the atmosphere and interpenetration of the planes fill the space with dynamism; small and light sculptures strung in poses, different shapes and directions enliven the relationships between light and shadow, sometimes reacting to lightness and sometimes gently surrendering to the impossibility of gravity.
However, the displacement and dismemberment of the subjects - the stormy scattering of details, independent of each other - also corresponds to the common logic of the flock: a unique form, natural and poetic, representing the collective mutual desire, the same purpose; the apparently divergent but in reality overlapping route of all existences. In the flock lives are confused in favor of the Essence, the journeys to the benefit of the Path, the flight to the benefit of the Ascent: in this sense the artist reflects on the current binomial individual-society in a sort of Last Judgment swarming with archetypes, from the particular meticulous of the single waving sculptures to the general course of the thick group that constitutes the site-specific work.
An experience that wants to free and satisfy the observer’s gaze with swirling suggestions, embracing the variability and volatility of existence - supported as it is by a transparent thread - and giving it a sense thanks to the relationship with the other”.

by Federica Maria Giallombardo

The work consists of elements drawn using the technology of the 3D pen, which allows you to draw lines whose existence does not prescind from a physical support below.
After extrusion on a horizontal plane, the solidified material (PLA) detaches from the original surface, getting rid of the and becoming an object in space. Not sculptures created by modelling and bending matter, but works created through a two-dimensional graphic approach, later become three-dimensional.
It is an invention that allows you to feel the graphic sign, not relegating it to a surface, but freeing it from the same. This sign, when it manifests its true nature and graphic expression, stops being a sign, becoming a sculptural object. It’s an elusive dimension. Because it manifests itself in a conjuncture that links drawing, painting, sculpture, installation and photography, without one part prevailing over the others; or perhaps, uniting them all at the origin of art, the one that, according to Plinio, is found precisely in drawing.
Lorenzo Gnata
Artist, Cossato
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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