category Painting
subject Nature, Abstract
tags #ordito, #monasterodiAstino , #telaio, #ricordo, #memoria, #terra, #trama , #astratto
base 120 cm
height 120 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2022
Acrylic, plaster, charcoal and terra d'Astino on linen canvas.

Belongs to the "Astino Cycle" (*see details in profile):
The painted looms are part of the study on the monastery of Astino that has as its main thread the idea of symbolic loom; understood as the final element of a process of knowledge based on nature. Here the loom comes to life autonomously, the warp and weft following their own paths departing from each other, transforming into an abstract composition.

Linen, among the first seeds grown by monks in this valley, was chosen for the canvas. The pictorial basis of the work is "terra d'Astino": a pigment that I extrapolate by mortar from the earth of this valley.
Michele Ferrari
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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