Ten Commandments 2.0

Ten Commandments 2.0
Ten Commandments 2.0
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social
tags Mosè, dieci comandamenti, incisione, poeti visivi, poesia visiva, cristianesimo, Tavole della legge, Bibbia
base 114 cm
height 80 cm
depth 11 cm
year 2020
Sometimes I experience - as if it were the effect of a landslide - the extraordinary dynamic acceleration impressed throughout the Anthropocene by the interminable series of changes, mutations of thought, sociability, communication and customs in which we are immersed.
Among the many thoughts that this causes me, there is one in particular that occupies my spaces for reflection and that concerns what I consider a great loss, that is the prevailing lack of empathy that is today observable at all times, latitude or situation.
We no longer understand each other and the usual codes seem less and less suitable for putting us in communication. I thought that translating the ancient Tables of the Law - which with the 10 Commandments have always guided a large part of humanity - delivered by Javè to Moses 3700 years ago on Mount Sinai, could help today's digitized humanity to return to understanding each other. Translated in this way, in binary code, they appear to me to be more appropriate and in step with our times.
Ten Commandments 2.0 I called them, I have great hope in them.
Marco Ceraglia
Artist, Sassari
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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