i timbri della luce

i timbri della luce
i timbri della luce
category Sculpture
subject Abstract
base 12 cm
height 12 cm
depth 12 cm
year 2018
Luminous bodies kidnapped by space and time, as if shadow and light once sculpted, shaped them, penetrate the imagination of the observer, moving towards the knowledge of a story that has its roots in the mists of time. A stamp of light is not only a miniature or a simple artistic artifact but is the result of an aesthetic and ethnic - anthropological project. In their perfect artistic structure, these small objects take on a surprising three-dimensionality thanks to the light. The pintaders have the features of their ancestors, they embody the symbol of the identity of an entire community. Every territory, in the remotest corners of the island, had its own bread stamp. Through its use in the processing of bread, it was easy to trace the place of origin since each matrix was characterized by distinctive elements, typical of the territory of origin. The aesthetic logics, therefore, the type of processing of these precious and very useful products changed from one area to another, but their existence covered a significant intrinsic and aesthetic value at the same time.
The stamp of light not only refers to this image, it represents an illuminated object that takes on its own shape and identity, according to the observer's point of view.
That is to say, it behaves like a prism which, struck by light, returns one, two, three, ten different faces. In other words, it also recalls the qualities of a jewel. In this sense, its essence is also inspired by another artistic object of great identity value: the coconut, originally placed in the cradle of the newborn to protect it from any harm and in more recent times to anyone who wears it, always keeps with the same intensity that power of protective gift. Presenting itself with the features of a refined necklace with an apotropaic value, the timbre of light appears in the presence of the observer in all its light and shape, recalling, with the same intensity, the existence of the refined inlaid jewel, dominated by the black stone set in silver. Erica Olmetto
Genesio Pistidda
Artist, Sassari
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