
category Installation
subject Abstract
tags #installazione, #Digitalart, #Screen, #Nft, #Taglio, #Fontana , #Metamorfosi, #Performance, #Phygital, #Contatto, #Infinito
base 78 cm
height 49 cm
depth 15 cm
year 2023
Matteo Mandelli, known by his artistic pseudonym YOU, born in 1988, is a performative artist who, through his works, expresses his deepest imagination in the act of creating a realm that does not yet exist. He draws his inspiration from the 1980s and the spatialist movement, with a significant influence stemming from encountering the works of the master of cuts, Lucio Fontana.

Mandelli opens windows to invisible horizons, advancing a quest to challenge the most concealed taboos as he travels the world and gives voice to the marginalized. Some of his works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Milan, and in Venice at the Decentral Art Pavilion in conjunction with the Venice Biennale. The title of the artwork presented here is "Reborn," given this name as it symbolizes Matteo's rebirth after a period of pause and reflection concerning his artistic poetics. The material used for the artwork is a reclaimed screen, to which Matteo has given new life and purpose.

To bring his works to life, Mandelli employs a cutting tool to incise the outer layers of the screen's surface, revealing, through these cuts, the LED light that resides within. The homage to Lucio Fontana's exploration of infinite material and spatial dimensions is evident, and the artist himself acknowledges drawing inspiration from it. According to Mandelli's artistic philosophy, technology serves as substantial aid and support in our daily lives but has distanced us from our inner selves. The sole means to reclaim it is to shed our material knowledge and immerse ourselves in the infinite born from the light of that incision, embracing it. To transcend the screen and reconnect with ourselves.

A distinct characteristic of the artworks lies in their mode of creation – originating from a cut, accompanied by consequent ruptures, not only of the screen but primarily of the liquid crystals within. The artist lacks control over the final outcome: the artwork itself determines its birth and transformation. The second distinctive feature is the mutability of the works; they remain never static, evolving over time, shifting in colors and nuances. A metamorphosis of the artwork that guides the viewer and the collector. Mandelli has succeeded in transforming the concept of technology, infinite and immortal, into something mortal and mutable.

Each artwork is accompanied by its digital counterpart, an NFT that serves the dual purpose of representing the initial moment of the artwork's creation, right after contact with the cutting tool, and as a guarantee of authenticity.
Matteo Mandelli
Artist, Vimercate
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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