Tormento d’artista

Tormento d’artista
Tormento d’artista
category Painting
subject Beauty, Human figure
tags darkart, oilpaint, 2020, demian
base 130 cm
height 200 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2020
This work embodies my introspective journey as an artist. The almost obsessive search for the "perfect" work and the need to externalize my creativity have often been the source of discomfort. Sleepless nights, anxiety, frustration and impatience are emotions that I have always suffered in a continuous vicious circle but withdrawing and facing them through art has allowed me to regenerate and renew myself as an artist, transforming these feelings, this Torment , in pure creativity, completely free from the success of the painting itself or from the need to emerge as a painter. Having passed under the judgment of my own Criticism was fundamental in this artistic phase of my life.
Painter, Verona
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exibart prize N4
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