Voli pindarici

Voli pindarici
Voli pindarici
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Beauty, Architecture
tags corpo , precario, impossibile, figura umana, equilibrio
base 400 cm
height 270 cm
depth 300 cm
year 2022
Voli pindarici, 2022
Silicone and mixed media
Unique work

What happens when the mind becomes claustrophobic? After a long and never before experienced period of closure, our world found itself full of information, opinions, quotes, words and thoughts which however all revolved around a single sun in the pandemic galaxy.
At least for those affected by a sense of responsibility, thought was constrained, channeled, and no matter how much one tried to escape with the mind, imagination and planning collided with the realistic materialization of its future feasibility: it depends on the pandemic.
In FLIGHTS OF FANTASY an elderly lady floats in a room experimenting with how to relive a time at home, forced, intimidated, and resigned to an uncertain future. For those who have not taken advantage of technological leisure, virtual relationships and exchanges of information in the ether, four walls are left. The body has become superfluous (source and receptacle of ailments), it levitates useless showing how much the mind, the head, stops at the limit of a condition that dominates the individual and intimidates him to fear becoming a news statistic. Agrimi reproduces a reality which is a hyperbolic index of that experienced in every house where a single person has run away with his mind, she has tried to regain her freedom in thought. Constrained to thinking about ourselves reduced by the pandemic, limited by common sense and the rules of civil coexistence, we keep thinking, attached to reality more and more with the mind and less and less with the body.
Dario Agrimi
Artist, Trani
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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