Un tipo d’eroe. Fare esplorazioni, 1970

Un tipo d’eroe. Fare esplorazioni, 1970
Un tipo d’eroe. Fare esplorazioni, 1970
category Photography
subject Human figure
tags Fare esplorazioni, viaggi, pensiero
base 80 cm
height 65 cm
depth 3 cm
year 1970
It is an emulsified canvas that is part of the cycle of works related to the theme "doing beautiful explorations behind the house" (1969-1970). The "exploration" cycle began between 1969 and 1970 and included some super 8mm color films with sound made by the author himself, including "Exploration or the rediscovered eighteenth century" and various cycles of photographic sequences, some of which then used for emulsified canvases even of large dimensions.
Emulsified canvas, 65x80, 1970.
Andrea Granchi
Painter, Florence
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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