Vite di cartone

Vite di cartone
Vite di cartone
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Human figure
tags soccorso in mare, politiche migratorie, accoglienza, porti chiusi, barcone, persone, migranti, pastelli, cartone, human rights, democratic values
base 300 cm
height 230 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2016
Work made with recycled packaging cartons and hand painted with soft pastels. The cartoon is not a mere support to the pictorial action but the medium of a message that speaks of the fragility of a large part of human beings. The drama, often tragedy, which affects hundreds of thousands of people forced by wars and hunger to abandon their land in the hope of landing in a place where they can return to live, causes in our society a confused and inconclusive chatter or a guilty silence and partner in crime. But information and silence do not have negative connotations in themselves, on the contrary, knowing the phenomena is the first step to find solutions. Silence in the face of a tragedy is respect, finding silence within us enables us to communicate with different gazes from ours and allows us to understand. These works of mine, inspired by the continuous and indefinite flow of images that the media transmit, stop and enhance an instant, want to speak with silence and act in a conscious way with the flow of time. - soft pastels on assembly of recycled packaging cartons.
gianfranco gentile
Performer, Painter, Verona
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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