category Performance
subject Landscape, Nature, Abstract, Architecture
tags interactive, site-specific, impromptu choir, voice, sound art, Landscape
minutes 40
seconds 0
year 2017
Interactive impromptu choir performance.
The Verdigris Voicescapes, my site-specific performances, study the interaction between humans and complex systems such as forests, abbeys and cathedrals, houses or ruins, caves, monuments and archaeological sites. Architecture and landscape take on a central value and the ritual deliberately shifts to a tension/attention on the peculiar voice of the space-time that surrounds us.
Thanks to the architectures and to the stories of places, the choir conveys the information hidden in the place to transmute it into complex polyphonies and articulated chants.

The voice recordings are the original ones taken during some of the interactive performances (the audience was around 60 people).
It is recommended to use headphones for a more immersive listening.
Performer, Sound designer, Florence
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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