category Sculpture
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Abstract
tags guarigione, disturbi mentali , morte
base 100 cm
height 150 cm
depth 12 cm
year 2023
The left half of this painting is composed of a layer of canvas painted in bluish and flesh-colored permanent violet, and burned at the bottom on which bandages and gauze have been attached. Instead, the right part is formed first of all by three layers of canvas, of which the first bluish permanent violet color is burnt, the second is an umber color with splashes of red and the third is painted a burnt sienna with some splashes of red and blue. Additionally, there is a 7cm wooden case painted black containing a gold-stained skull and ribcage.
This work aims to depict the argument that a person with a mental disorder faces throughout life, that is, having to choose whether to undertake a therapeutic path towards recovery or abandon oneself to self-destructive behavior or suicide.
marco giannellli
Painter, Sculptor, Artist, Altamura
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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