category Video
subject Political / Social, Landscape, Architecture
tags Città, Distopico, Persone
minutes 1
seconds 50
year 2022

The stairs at the beginning of the short film mark a beginning, that is when the individual leaves his private context and becomes an image and a cog in the society. Urban roads and, generally, cities assist this transition as, by definition, "provided with public services and whatever else is necessary to offer favorable conditions for social life" (Treccani). During the screening, the viewer symbolically emerges from his condition of solitary observer in a museum, finding himself catapulted amongst the people and the technology of the city; accompanied by the destabilizing sounds of the soundtrack, he is led to recall his own experience.

The last scene of the short acts not only as an apparent awakening from a daydream, but also as a link to the restart, making the fruition of the work a vicious circle.
Maurizio Pirone
Sculptor, Artist, Turin
Profile Photo
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