
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Nude, Beauty
tags cura, ombelico, seno, empty, vuoto, zaffo, doily, centrino
base 23 cm
height 31 cm
depth 1 cm
year 2018
100 sheets Cotton paper 100%, embroidery cotton, photos
The work consists of 100 sheets and 100 different doilies positioned above two photographic images.

Zaffo is a gauze for hemostatic purposes in the healing process.

How do you feel when a person that you love dies?
How do you describe the pain?

Zaffo is an awareness, a point of view, an embroidered emptiness. I tried to treat a wound, to cover an absence, but it's impossible.
Zaffo is also a reborn, a hug for your heart, a lesson because you can learn a lot from your pain. The cotton yarn is time and care for ourselves.
Is also my mother’s memory: she taught me to make doilies during her last life months.

The doily allows to see the photos through the yarn: a belly button and a breast, the remind to femininity, to mum and the first relationship that we have in our life.
Two body parts very important to feed.

Food for body and soul.
So there this is an intimate relationship.
So there this is what we lose with death.
Camilla Marinoni
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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