
Arianna Atanasio
Artist, Varese
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category Ideas
location Milan (Lombardy - Italy)
deadline 31 May 2024

The digital image is only a virtual representation of physical things, it is an external representation of reality, it is semblance and trace, it is simulacrum .
Taking up the critical meaning given to it by sociologist Juan Braudillard, the simulacrum is simulation of reality, and the more it adheres to it, the more disturbing and alienating it is.
In the condition of enforced seclusion during repeated pandemic lockdowns, human relationships were simulated through digital media, which although indispensable and efficient in such a context, proved to be annoying, unsatisfying and even intrusive in the long run.
This idea translated into a project carried out with the video mapping technique in which I made a video that I projected and adapted to the surface of an installation of six glass bottles of different shapes filled with flour.
The final video features talking faces modified in a kind of digital metamorphosis that makes them unreal, eerie and characterized by interference signs and glitches typical of these video call meetings; also rendered by the audio track edited and cut on Premiere that is nothing but the superimposition of the sounds of the video calls and several glitches modified and synchronized to the video.

Personally, mine is a disturbed view of the recent changes and communication strategies that have increasingly invaded our lives, fundamental in a context of social distancing and alienating in the long run of a forced lockdown.

The atmosphere of the installation is therefore disturbing and anxiogenic.

exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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