All you can(not)t leave behind

All you can(not)t leave behind
All you can(not)t leave behind
categoria Altro
soggetto Astratto
tags Recycled materials, recycled jute, fiberart
base 225 cm
altezza 200 cm
profondità 1 cm
anno 2011
iuta recliclata da Pakistan/ Brasil/ India, velluto, seta
A deep wound, – not bleeding, but being ‘nurtured’ by the veins that are running into it. This work explores the difficulty of letting go and of the resulting pain and suffering. Detached from reality, emotional distress has become a theatre in which old pain is being restaged, creating an endless cycle of suffering.
But there is also another possible outcome : these surface wounds can become the bearer of opportunity and hopefully result in disburdening one’s emotional baggage, allowing us to walk on light-footed.
Tania Welz
Artista, Roma
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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