Moving and still III

Moving and still III
Moving and still III
categoria Fotografia
soggetto Astratto, Natura
tags amazzonia, fotografia, concettuale, contemporaneo, bianco e nero
base 100 cm
altezza 150 cm
profondità 5 cm
anno 2019
X is an investigation between the complex relationship between the human being and nature, its power and time, space and force. Earth, as we know, is an incredibly complex and fragile network of interconnected systems that have developed slowly over the past 4.54 billion years. Humans, since their inception, have always had an impact on the environment, but for the first time they have become the driving forces of change on a planetary scale.
Fotografia stampata su carta photo Rag, montata su di-bond e con cornice grigio scura e vetro museo.
Ed 1/1+1 P.A
Fabian Albertini
Artista, Rio de Janeiro
Foto del Profilo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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