L’opera di Simone Cametti si compone di gesti esemplari con i quali crea un’originale riflessione sullo spazio e sul tempo, un agire performativo che non si dissolve nell’aleatorietà dell’azione, ma restituisce preziosi reperti che traducono con forza la sua cristallina personalità. La durata evocata nei suoi lavori si accorda alle parole di Peter Handke composte per il Canto alla durata: «è il mio riscatto, mi lascia andare ed essere».
The work of Simone Cametti is structured with exemplary gestures creating a personal reflection on space and time, a performative research that is not lost in the aleatory nature of the action, but produces precious testimonies that strongly convey his crystalline personality. The duration evoked in his works echoes the words of Peter Handke for the Gedicht an die Dauer (To duration): «it is my redemption, it lets me go and be».
The work of Simone Cametti is structured with exemplary gestures creating a personal reflection on space and time, a performative research that is not lost in the aleatory nature of the action, but produces precious testimonies that strongly convey his crystalline personality. The duration evoked in his works echoes the words of Peter Handke for the Gedicht an die Dauer (To duration): «it is my redemption, it lets me go and be».