valentina medda

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Valentina Medda è un'artista interdisciplinare di origine sarda che attualmente vive e lavora a Bologna. Ha conseguito un Master in Filosofia all'Università di Bologna -Alma Mater Studiorum, una Laurea in Fotografia all'ICP -International Center of Photography-NYC, e una qualifica come Teaching Artist dal CWP -Community Word Project di New York.

La pratica artistica di Medda si snoda tra l’immagine, la performance e l’intervento/installazione, situandosi al confine labile che delimita pubblico e privato, corpo e architettura, città e appartenenza sociale. Poiche' il suo lavoro e' interdisciplinare e il suo processo artistico e' performativo, i suoi progetti trovano spazio sia all'interno degli ambienti di arte visiva che di Festival di performance art, tra questi il Festival di Santarcangelo in Romagna, l'AUAWIRLEBEN di Berna -CH, e l'OPENBARE WERKEN di Gent -BE, Danza Urbana a Bologna.
Negli ultimi anni è stata artist in residence al VOORUIT di Gent -BXL, al BAR di Beirut, alla Cité de arts a Parigi, a Flux Factory a NY, a Les bains connective a Brussels, a MaisonVentidue a Bologna.
Il suo lavoro e’ stato esibito in italia e all’estero, da NY a Parigi e Praga e ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti, tra cui il Cimetta Fund per la mobilita' artistica, il Movin up della Regione Emilia Romagna, la IAP Mentorship della NYFA -New York Foundation for Arts e il Tina Art PRIZE, premio internazionale di Arte Contemporanea.
Il suo progetto Cities by Night e' appena stato selezionato come uno dei 19 progetti vincitori (su 150 partecipanti) del bando europeo Perform Europe, e verra' presentato, tra Aprile e Giugno in Italia, Norvegia e Kosovo.
Tra i suoi progetti curatoriali: Architettura e desiderio -Art Salon, con Steven Polk, Will Owen, Kate Sclavi, Wieteke Heldens, Flux Factory, NY; Marginalia: On the Edges of Art, Money & Access Brunch + Art salon, Flux Factory -NYC, con Gabrielle Mertz, Michi Jigarjian e Qiana Mestrich. In Cantiere#1 e #2, Potluck/Art Salon, Bologna, IT, con Eva Geatti, Nicola Toffolini, Sabrina Mezzaqui, Carlo Steiner.

Come Teaching Artist ha lavorato sia in italia che all'estero presso scuole elementari e medie,  e ha tenuto laboratori sul movimento ed esperienziali per adulti e ragazzi in contesti formativi e artistici –tra gli altri, AtelierSi a Bologna, e Fivizzano27 a Roma.


Valentina Medda is an interdisciplinary artist of Sardinian origin who currently lives and works in Bologna. She holds a Master in Philosophy from the University of Bologna -Alma Mater Studiorum, a Degree in Photography from ICP -International Center of Photography-NYC, and a Teaching Artist qualification from CWP -Community Word Project in New York.

Medda's artistic practice unfolds between image, performance and intervention/installation, standing at the blurred boundary between public and private, body and architecture, city and social belonging. Since her work is interdisciplinary and her artistic process is performative, her projects find space both in visual art environments and in performance art festivals, among these the Festival of Santarcangelo in Romagna, the AUAWIRLEBEN in Bern -CH, and the OPENBARE WERKEN in Gent -BE, Danza Urbana in Bologna.

In the last years she has been artist in residence at VOORUIT in Gent -BXL, BAR in Beirut, Cité de arts in Paris, Flux Factory in NY, Les bains connective in Brussels, MaisonVentidue in Bologna.

His work has been exhibited in Italy and abroad, from NY to Paris and Prague and has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the Cimetta Fund for artistic mobility, the Movin up of the Emilia Romagna Region, the IAP Mentorship of the NYFA - New York Foundation for Arts and the Tina Art PRIZE, an international award for Contemporary Art.

Her project Cities by Night has just been selected as one of the 19 winning projects (out of 150 participants) of the European grant Perform Europe, and will be presented between April and June in Italy, Norway and Kosovo.

Among his curatorial projects: Architecture and Desire -Art Salon, with Steven Polk, Will Owen, Kate Sclavi, Wieteke Heldens, Flux Factory, NY; Marginalia: On the Edges of Art, Money & Access Brunch + Art salon, Flux Factory -NYC, with Gabrielle Mertz, Michi Jigarjian and Qiana Mestrich. In Cantiere#1 and #2, Potluck/Art Salon, Bologna, IT, with Eva Geatti, Nicola Toffolini, Sabrina Mezzaqui, Carlo Steiner.

As a Teaching Artist she has worked both in Italy and abroad in primary and secondary schools, and has held movement and experiential workshops for adults and children in educational and artistic contexts - among others, AtelierSi in Bologna, and Fivizzano27 in Rome.


exibart prize N4
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Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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