Capri Sea 3

Capri Sea 3
Capri Sea 3
category Painting
subject Landscape
tags Mare, capri, riflessi, caustiche, verde, smeraldo
base 100 cm
height 107 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2023
Looking at this painting, you can feel the coolness of the water and the warmth of the sun. The colors blend together beautifully, creating a natural palette that reminds us of the sea. The colors are crystal-clear and the sun creates little sparks of light all over the painting. If you look closely, you can see different colors spots that have been superimposed on each other, creating a gradient effect. It's as if you can see all the different colors that make up the sea. by looking at this painting, you can almost feel like you're a part of the wonder of the sea.
Painter, Lamezia Terme
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exibart prize N4
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