
category Sculpture
subject Human figure
base 90 cm
height 45 cm
depth 20 cm
year 2022
When come across the topic on eating disorder in art, we always find the ostentation of the anorexic body, the general public thinks that anorexia is the only eating disorder. I wanted to give dignity to another type of body. Taking inspiration from the Venus of Willendorf my focus is on the body, on the softness and ambiguity of representation.

The fat body thus becomes a symbol of softness, but the thorny and acute applications transform the object into an oxymoron, a soft body that is suffering and can sting. The soft and sharp contrast becomes important for my work.

Thorny applications spread by mimicking infectious diseases. His name Pillow challenges the viewer to imagine himself using the body as an object, but is confused by the pins that would naturally make it impossible to use.

I represented a body with a lack of interest in representing the face, arms and legs. This shape it’s almost unrecognizable, volontary on the edge between figurative and non-figurative art.

The sharp quills represent the illness and takes shape like infectious disease.

This sculpture represent the hidden pain of eating disorders.
Agnese Oprandi
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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