
category Performance
subject Nature, Landscape, Political / Social
tags museo, natura, nudo, rituale
hours 24
minutes 0
seconds 0
year 2023
The tropical greenhouse of MUSE - Science Museum of Trento is an artificial micro paradise: this environment is managed down to the smallest detail to simulate the original habitat of the species present, a testimony to the human ability to influence and control natural processes. In this artificial context, where man behaves like a demi-god, the possibility of proposing an alternative imaginary arises. “Eden” was in fact the staging of a situation possible only within a museum display case, that of a symbiotic coexistence between man and nature through a living performance inside the greenhouse. The artist was inside it for 24 hours simulating an idyllic situation, living among the plants, on the trees, in the lakes or near the waterfalls, coexisting with all the species present. An Eden where a paradoxical experiment is triggered capable of inverting the perspective compared to the contemporary human being who robs nature on a daily basis. Visitors, as a form of interaction, could decide to offer him food: a symbolic stance which, if on the one hand it appears like an ancestral rite, on the other critically recalls a form of domestication. (work created in collaboration with Leonardo Panizza, author of the film "EDEN" relating to the performance)
Giulio Boccardi
Artist, Bosentino
Profile Photo
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