I am social (Millennials)

I am social (Millennials)
I am social (Millennials)
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social
tags scultura, concept, marble , stone, lego, social, millennial
base 24 cm
height 32 cm
depth 17 cm
year 2017
Sculpture in grey quartzite, Royal yellow marble and Carrara, tablet (one piece)
The technology that has spread more and more in recent years has created strong dependence, because it allows our body to release dopamine, the same that is created by smoking, drinking or betting.
The technology, however, can be used by everyone, especially teenagers.
This means that, in a period of high stress such as adolescence, young people turn to technology to make their body produce dopamine and this makes them addicted, so that in their lifetime they will continue to turn to technology in times of stress.
All this affects their relational abilities, making them unable to create real relationships with people, but only superficial relationships and on which they do not rely.
Beppe Borella
Sculptor, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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