Il terzo escluso

Il terzo escluso
Il terzo escluso
category Installation
subject Political / Social
tags tessuto, natura, frottage, colore, foglie, stampa, materasso
base 72 cm
height 14 cm
depth 173 cm
year 2019
Frottage of leaves and objects A4 size printed on canvas, wool mattress.
Frottage of leaves and objects A4 size.
If A = A (identity principle) at the same time A ≠ B (contradiction principle).
The frottage of numerous vegetables, of various nature and origin and objects of daily life united on A4 sheets make up a fabric that covers a hand-sewn mattress. In an attempt to approach the other, on the journey towards us inevitably something is lost, distorted, modified, changed. If we join the fragments then something appears that does not belong to us or to the other. We can delude ourselves that we understand what is different from us and get to devour it in the act of owning it. Or observe it and approach the boundaries.
Francesca Damiano
Artist, Brescia
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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