Performance Exercise I-X

Performance Exercise I-X
Performance Exercise I-X
category Performance
subject Political / Social
tags Perform yourself, Performance Art, pubblico, exercise, Audio Performance, Audiance Performance, sound
minutes 0
seconds 0
year 2018
"Performance Exercise I-X" is an audio installation for ten headphones that are located either in a row or at different locations in the exhibition space. These are tutorials for performative exercises. The exercises are graded in difficulty. The first exercise is the simplest, the tenth exercise the hardest to perform. The ten exercises depict different aspects of Performance Art, such as the examination of one‘s own body, the surrounding space, time, voice, interaction with others, personal feeling and individual creativity. The exercises do not have to be carried out successively, but it makes better sense for the experience process if one does so. The exhibition space becomes a place of practice, of temporary solution, of trial and error. It is not about the finished work, but about the recurring experiment of an animated, moving production.

Hannes Egger
Performance Exercise I-X
10 headphones, 10 metal holders, 10 audio files, print on paper
Photo: Sarah Mistura
Hannes Egger
Artist, Merano
Profile Photo
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ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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