Relinquo vos liberos ab utroque homine

Relinquo vos liberos ab utroque homine
Relinquo vos liberos ab utroque homine
category Painting
subject Political / Social
tags libertà , indipendenza, lotta, San Marino, Storia
base 160 cm
height 90 cm
depth 7 cm
year 2020
The work recalls the words that the founder of the community of San Marino, my homeland, would have addressed before dying to his people at the beginning of the 4th century AD. The message of freedom contained in this sentence is transformed, in my interpretation, into a mantra which has to be reiterated two, three, ten, a hundred times, in order to reaffirm these principles and let them finally be heard. For this purpose, the phrase is repeated in several works made in different materials. I have tried to represent, with an irregular, battered surface, and with spots of color, the attempts to hide and obscure the meaning of these words, which, despite this, continue to re-emerge in all their power.
Mixed technique. Unique piece.
Veronica Casali
Painter, San Marino
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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