Roundtrip/Her (Andata e Ritorno)

Roundtrip/Her (Andata e Ritorno)
category Installation
subject Landscape
tags #object, #sky, #sound
base 150 cm
height 100 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
Roundtrip/Her is the starting‎ note of the story.
It is the representation of a physical and psychic plane journey that originated from a personal event: my mother’s death. The installation engages the viewer’s body and stimulates various senses. Before their eyes are images of clouds observed during the flight that brought me to my mother first and then back home after the funerals. Clouds are projected onto one of her garments that still bears her scent.
The audio retraces various stages of this journey: the heartbeats of a dear person, engine sounds from the plane during the outbound flight, one of the hymns sung by my mother in church. Then the sounds on the way back, rewound: again, those plane noises. Again, the music. To these are added, in rapid succession, the sound of cicadas that welcomed me back home, urban noises, church bells taking me back to my childhood but also, symbolically, taking my soul to heaven.
Laura Pitingaro
Artist, Palermo
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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