Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Führer [Da grande farò il Führer]

Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Führer [Da grande farò il Führer]
Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Führer [Da grande farò il Führer]
category Other
subject Political / Social
base 39 cm
height 49 cm
depth 5 cm
year 2024
Instead of cute animals and objects, an unusual coloring book shows some fragments of Hitler’s paintings. The black and white images invite the readers to paint, like children, the areas traced by the hand of the dictator; furthermore, being fragments, these drawings offer to the reader the possibility to continue the work and create an original work.
History comes back with all its ghosts, as well as the book brings back to life a past made of shadows. The volume does not intend to show Hitler as a role: instead, pages lead readers to question their own complicity in terrible acts. Past repeats itself and forms of oppression are still replicated today: how much each of us takes part to wickedness? What is the border between good and evil, right and wrong? The book reflects about these questions and about the reasons bringing humankind to repeat bad actions.
The volume stays on the verge between two opposite emotions: on one hand, the childhood and the innocent joy caused by the possibility of painting a book; on the other hand, the anxiety triggered by a possible co-operation with the dictator. The footsteps of the past return and ask to be retraced: it is up to each of us to decide whether and how to live them again.
Luisa Turuani
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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