Some digital painting prints

Some digital painting prints
Some digital painting prints
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Human figure
base 0 cm
height 0 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
Inkjet Print, Aluminum Dibond, Aluprofile

His artistic research often runs into, collides with, and flirts with some of the issues related to his generation, such as the desire for revenge, the need for action, and the desire to circumvent an oppressive system. In particular, he delves into the problems of China's new-age society. His gaze toward reality is not lacking in critical wit and he leaks his point of view in tragicomic tones. An edgy humor often connotes his works, and art in his hands becomes like a filter of observation of his surroundings, a means of denunciation towards society.

In 2023, XinHan Yú began working on a project that grew out of a reflection on Gen Z, made up of young people who have witnessed entirely the evolution of the world of virtual graphics. Over the years, thanks to increasingly advanced technologies, there has been a shift from crude and grotesque images to high-definition ones. This prompted the artist to wonder whether some of the basic elements peculiar to early video games were perhaps being overlooked in the elaborate, ultra-realistic digital graphics. Thus originated the series of digital pictorial prints created using various software that retain the primitive texture characteristic of 2000s 3D video games.

A recurring theme is evident that permeates his works: power structures and violence, often institutionalized. A strong sense of anguish seeps from the print: two undefined figures loom over an apparently quiet, ordinary scene. 
The image becomes the central element of the narrative, extrapolated from the context of the video game and the frenetic rhythms associated with it, it is decontextualized to incorporate a new function: to evoke through metaphors collective and personal memory.
Xinhan Yú
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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